RENT REVIEWS FOR COMMERCIAL BUSINESSES BASED IN WILTSHIRE & BEYONDActing for both corporate and private landlords and tenants we undertake detailed building inspections, including measurements, review of leases and other documentation and provide comprehensive rental valuation reports. Following this we will negotiate to achieve a satisfactory settlement and if required prepare submissions of evidence to arbitrators and independent experts.
Information for LandlordsIt is important when enacting rent reviews that reasoned and balanced professional advice is provided to ensure proposals are justified and capable of being agreed, whilst ensuring commercial rents and terms are consistent with market levels.
USEFUL INFORMATION FOR TENANTSWith an increasing level of change occurring in commercial rents and the terms of lease commitments becoming ever more serious, it is important that early advice is sought to ensure all aspects are fully reviewed, local evidence thoroughly researched and the correct assumptions on what is being valued are made, so as not to impact adversely on the tenant’s underlying business.
CHARTERED SURVEYORS BASED IN WILTSHIREWith over 35 years of experience, Paul Rilett, an RICS qualified chartered surveyor and RICS Registered Valuer offers independent advice on all aspects of commercial property matters to clients in Wiltshire and surrounding areas.
Why use an RICS Professional?
In today’s climate it makes sense to seek advice from a trusted professional who will offer their expertise and advice. Learn more about our RICS qualified chartered surveyor...